Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pipeline Banking?
Pipeline Banking is our online banking platform. Giving you access to your account from your home or business computer. It’s safe, secure and easy to use.
How do I get started?
Simply click on the “Register Now” link from the home page and follow the on screen instructions.
What if I get locked out?
Simply click the “forgot your password” link. Type in your login id, the email address associated with your account and click “submit”. A temporary password will be emailed to you.
Why are my challenge questions appearing?
When you log into Pipeline Banking from a different computer or from a new browser, answering the challenge questions help ensure that you are you. If you have upgraded your computer or browser, after answering the challenge questions, please click the “Remember me on this computer” to avoid having to answer the challenge questions again.
What if my confidence word does not appear?
If after typing your login id your chosen confidence word does not display please try to start over. If it still does not appear, simply contact the credit union at (651) 227 - 0771.
What if I forgot my challenge questions?
If you do not remember the challenge question answers, simply contact the credit union at (651) 227 - 0771.